Title: The Moon's Storyteller, Author: Alana Peaches Aragon
Title: The Teeny Tiny Egg, Author: Rhea Ashby
Title: The Sissy Monster, Author: Tom Florey
Title: Look at what we made, Author: Joanne Patterson
Title: Martina the Beautiful Cockroach: A Cuban Folktale, Author: Carmen Agra Deedy
Title: The Wolf, the Duck, and the Mouse, Author: Mac Barnett
Title: The Wolf, the Duck, and the Mouse, Author: Mac Barnett
Title: The King Who Thought Everyone's Ideas Stunk: A Funny Children's Picture Book About Having Ideas, Author: Larry Gotterer
Title: Get Dressed, Sasquatch!, Author: Kyle Sullivan
Title: Once Upon a Unicorn, Author: Isla Wynter
Title: My Tooth is Wobbly! What Happens when the Tooth Fairy Comes?, Author: Newton White
Title: Jane The Clumsy Giraffe, Author: Karen Mowrer
Title: Once Upon A Unicorn: Coloring Book:, Author: Isla Wynter
Title: The Land Of Wonder, Author: Brittaney Sevier
Title: The Ogre In The Basement, Author: Sherry Raby
Title: Larf, Author: Ashley Spires
Title: THE LION & THE MOUSE, Author: Robin F. Gilmor
Title: THE GINGERBREAD MAN, Author: Robin Gilmor