Title: The Female Body and the Law, Author: Zillah R. Eisenstein
Title: American Broadcasting and the First Amendment, Author: Lucas A. Powe
Title: Switchpoint SLC Are Human Traffickers: Sex Trafficking in Utah, Author: London Society
Title: Cassie Nordstrom Is Sex Trafficking, Author: London Society
Title: Diddy File Bankruptcy & Hire A Federal Public Defender: Diddy Joins LDS Mormon Church, Author: Mandy Miller
Title: Diddy Is Buying Nordstrom: Nordstrom Personal Stylist, Author: Mandy Miller
Title: Utah Is Full of Sex Traffickers They Drive Cars With Black Windows, Author: Private Investigator
Title: UTA Paratransit Drivers Had Sex Traffickers Contact Me (254) 406-5270, Author: London Society