Title: Hippocrates, Volume III: On Wounds in the Head. In the Surgery. On Fractures. On Joints. Mochlicon, Author: Hippocrates
Title: Hippocrates, Volume IV: Nature of Man. Regimen in Health. Humours. Aphorisms. Regimen 1-3. Dreams. Heracleitus: On the Universe, Author: Hippocrates
Title: Hippocrates, Volume V: Affections. Diseases 1-2, Author: Hippocrates
Title: Hippocrates, Volume VIII: Places in Man. Glands. Fleshes. Prorrhetic 1-2. Physician. Use of Liquids. Ulcers. Haemorrhoids and Fistulas, Author: Hippocrates
Title: Method of Medicine, Volume I: Books 1-4, Author: Galen
Title: Method of Medicine, Volume III: Books 10-14, Author: Galen
Title: Hygiene, Volume I: Books 1-4, Author: Galen