Title: Dance: a Short History of Classic Theatrical Dancing, Author: Bloomsbury Academic
Title: Religious Dances in the Christian Church and in Popular Medicine, Author: Bloomsbury Academic
Title: The Performing Arts: Music and Dance / Edition 1, Author: John Blacking
Title: Body Movement: Coping with the Environment / Edition 1, Author: Irmgard Bartenieff
Title: Your Move: A New Approach to the Study of Movement and Dance / Edition 1, Author: Ann Hutchinson Guest
Title: Measures of Wisdom: The Cosmic Dance in Classical and Christian Antiquity, Author: James Miller
Title: Body - Space - Expression: The Development of Rudolf Laban's Movement and Dance Concepts, Author: Vera Maletic
Title: Beyond Words: Instructor's Manual / Edition 3, Author: Carol-Lynne Moore
Title: Shawn's Fundamentals of Dance, Author: Anne Hutchinson Guest
Title: Dance and the Body Politic in Northern Greece / Edition 1, Author: Jane K. Cowan
Title: History of the Dance in Art and Education / Edition 3, Author: Richard Kraus
Title: Dance Therapy and Depth Psychology: The Moving Imagination / Edition 1, Author: Joan Chodorow
Title: Dance As Education: Towards A National Dance Culture, Author: Peter Brinson
Title: Movements and Mimesis: The Idea of Dance in the Sanskritic Tradition, Author: Mandakranta Bose
Title: Ten Lectures on Theories of the Dance, Author: Drid Williams
Title: Music and Dance in Puerto Rico from the Age of Columbus to Modern Times: An Annotated Bibliography, Author: Donald Thompson
Title: Understanding Dance / Edition 1, Author: Graham McFee
Title: Dancing Till Dawn: A Century of Exhibition Ballroom Dance, Author: Julie Malnig
Title: Doople: The Eternal Law of African Dance, Author: Alphonse Tierou
Title: Upward Panic: The Autobiography of Eva Palmer-Sikelianos, Author: John P. Anton

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