Title: Tallos: Stem, Author: Klepeis
Title: Raíces: Roots, Author: Klepeis
Title: Plantas y hongos (Knowledge Encyclopedia Plants and Fungi!), Author: DK Pre-Order Now
Title: No es un frijol, Author: Claudia Guadalupe Martinez
Title: Mi primer jardín (My First Garden), Author: Livi Gosling
Title: Maravillas naturales (The Wonders of Nature), Author: Ben Hoare
Title: Las Montanas, Author: Chatherine Bradley
Title: Hojas: Leaves, Author: Klepeis
Title: Granos en MiPlato/Grains on MyPlate, Author: Mari Schuh
Title: Flores: Flowers, Author: Whipple
Title: Enciclopedia Britannica para niños 2: Animales y vegetales / Britannica All New Kids' Encyclopedia: Life, Author: Christopher Lloyd
Title: El Libro de las flores y los árboles (Our World in Pictures: Trees, Leaves, Flowers & Seeds), Author: DK Pre-Order Now
Title: Cómo decirle hola a una lombriz: Primera guía al aire libre (How to Say Hello to a Worm: A First Guide to Outside, Author: Kari Percival Pre-Order Now
Title: Cultivado en Harlem (Harlem Grown): C�mo una gran idea transform� a un vecindario, Author: Tony Hillery
Title: Azúcares y grasas/Sugars and Fats, Author: Mari Schuh