Title: I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban, Author: Malala Yousafzai
Title: How to Stand Up to a Dictator: The Fight for Our Future, Author: Maria Ressa
Title: Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance, Author: Barack Obama
Title: The Audacity of Hope, Author: Barack Obama
Title: Building Social Business: The New Kind of Capitalism That Serves Humanity's Most Pressing Needs, Author: Muhammad Yunus
Title: The Golden Cage: Three Brothers, Three Choices, One Destiny, Author: Shirin Ebadi
Title: From Bin Laden To Facebook: 10 Days Of Abduction, 10 Years Of Terrorism, Author: Maria A Ressa
Title: White Torture: Interviews with Iranian Women Prisoners - WINNER OF THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE 2023, Author: Narges Mohammadi
Title: The Last Girl: My Story of Captivity, and My Fight Against the Islamic State, Author: Nadia Murad