Title: The Last Troubadours: Poetic Drama in Italian Opera, 1597-1887, Author: Deirdre O'Grady
Title: Reading Opera, Author: Arthur Groos
Title: Pr'hody lisky Bystrousky, The Cunning Little Vixen: Translations and Pronunciation, Author: Timothy Cheek
Title: The Metropolitan Opera: Stories of the Great Operas, Author: John W. Freeman
Title: Index to Opera, Operetta and Musical Comedy Synopses in Collections and Periodicals, Author: Jeanette Marie Drone
Title: Handel's Oratorios and Eighteenth-Century Thought, Author: Ruth Smith
Title: Opera Through Other Eyes, Author: David  J. Levin
Title: Betty Comden and Adolph Green: A Bio-Bibliography, Author: Alice M. Robinson
Title: The Metropolitan Opera: Stories of the Great Operas, Author: John W. Freeman
Title: The Book of European Light Opera, Author: Bloomsbury Academic
Title: Crowell's Handbook of World Opera, Author: Bloomsbury Academic