Title: Overcoming Depression, Author: Paul A. Hauck
Title: Como vencer la depresion (How to Win over Depression), Author: Tim LaHaye
Title: Healing Your Aloneness: Finding Love and Wholeness Through Your Inner Child, Author: Margaret Paul
Title: Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness, Author: William Styron
Title: Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda: Overcoming Regrets, Mistakes, and Missed Opportunities, Author: Arthur Freeman
Title: Control Your Depression, Rev'd Ed, Author: Peter Lewinsohn
Title: Inward Bound: Exploring the Geography of Your Emotions, Author: Sam Keen
Title: Mysteries of the Dark Moon: The Healing Power of the Dark Goddess, Author: Demetra George
Title: We Heard the Angels of Madness, Author: Lisa & Diane Berger
Title: Depression and the Body: The Biological Basis of Faith and Reality, Author: Alexander Lowen
Title: Silencing The Self: Women and Depression, Author: Dana C. Jack
Title: You Mean I Don't Have to Feel This Way?: New Help for Depression, Anxiety, and Addiction, Author: Colette Dowling
Title: A Path through the Sea: One Woman's Journey from Depression to Wholeness, Author: Lillian V. Grissen
Title: You Are Not Alone: Words of Experience & Hope for the Journey Through Depresion, Author: Julia Thorne
Title: How to Heal Depression, Author: Harold H Bloomfield M.D.
Title: Mastering Your Moods: How To Recognize Your Emotional Style and Make it Work For You--Without Drugs, Author: Melvyn Kinder
Title: The Natural Way of Healing Stress, Anxiety, and Depression: From Phobias to Sleeplessness to Tension Headaches--A Comprehensive Guide to Safe, Natural Prevention and Drug-Free Therapies, Author: Natural Medicine Collective
Title: Why Smart People Do Dumb Things: Lessons from the New Science of Behavioral Economics, Author: Mortimer Feinberg
Title: Shadow on My Soul: Overcoming Addiction to Suicide, Author: Paula M. Quinn
Title: On the Edge of Darkness: Conversations About Conquering Depression, Author: Kathy Cronkite

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