Title: Alita: Battle Angel: The Official Movie Novelization, Author: Pat Cadigan
Title: Doctor Who and the Enemy of the World: 2nd Doctor Novelisation, Author: Ian Marter
Title: Doctor Who: The Dominators: 2nd Doctor Novelisation, Author: Ian Marter
Title: Doctor Who: The Ruby's Curse, Author: Alex Kingston
Title: Firefly: Generations, Author: Tim Lebbon
Title: Firefly: The Magnificent Nine, Author: James Lovegrove
Title: Godzilla: King of the Monsters: The Official Movie Novelization, Author: Greg Keyes
Title: Star Trek Into Darkness, Author: Alan Dean Foster
Title: The Faceless Ones: 2nd Doctor Novelisation, Author: Terrance Dicks
Title: The Rise of Skywalker: Expanded Edition (Star Wars), Author: Rae Carson