Title: Fusion Power: Generating electricity by using heat from nuclear fusion reactions, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Concentrated Solar Power: Using mirrors or lenses to concentrate sunlight onto a receiver, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Flywheel Energy Storage: Increasing or decreasing speed, to add or extract power, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Wireless Power Transfer: Charging electric vehicles while they are on the road, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion: From temperature differences between surface and deep ocean waters, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Personalized Medicine: Using the genetic profile for the treatment of disease, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Digital Scent Technology: Odor stimulation is not yet in the list of senses for entertainment, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: E-Textiles: Monitor personal health and detect early warning disease signs, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Electronic Nose: Innovative device provides humans with powerful sense of smell, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Biometrics: The future depicted in
Title: Thermal Copper Pillar Bump: Cooling the micro and graphics processors hotspot areas, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Flexible Electronics: Your body will interact with flexible electronics, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Spintronics: From detecting cancer to storing 1 TB data on a single-sided 3.5? diameter disc, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Twistronics: The holy grail of physics, quantum materials and nano technologies, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Memristor: A new age of applications for beyond Moore's law for computing, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Sonic Weapon: Sonic warfare and the secret operations of spies, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: MAHEM: Science fiction inspires the defense advanced researchers to penetrate enemy armor, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Precision Guided Firearm: Fire and forget, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Stealth Technology: Making personnel and war gear invisible to any detection methods, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Telescoped Ammunition: Longer range with higher knockdown power against human targets, and higher armor penetration rate, Author: Fouad Sabry

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