Title: Roboter- und KI-Ethik: Eine methodische Einführung - Grundlagen der Technikethik Band 1, Author: Michael Funk
Title: Du bist, was Dich stresst!: Tabula Rasa für chronisch Gestresste im digitalen Zeitalter, Author: Kathrin Marter
Title: Introduction to Information Systems, Binder Ready Version / Edition 6, Author: R. Kelly Rainer
Title: Marissa Mayer and the Fight to Save Yahoo!, Author: Nicholas Carlson
Title: Work Life 2000 Yearbook 3: The third of a series of Yearbooks in the Work Life 2000 programme, preparing for the Work Life 2000 Conference in Malmö 22-25 January 2001, as part of the Swedish Presidency of the European Union, Author: Richard Ennals
Title: Work Life 2000: Yearbook 2 / 2000, Author: Richard Ennals