Title: Venturing to Do Justice: Reforming Private Law, Author: Robert E. Keeton
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Title: The Supreme Court on Trial, Author: Bloomsbury Academic
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Title: The Supreme Court: Myth and Reality, Author: Helena Silverstein
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Title: Constitutional Language: An Interpretation of Judicial Decision, Author: John Brigham
Title: Appellate Courts and Lawyers: Information Gathering in the Adversary System, Author: Thomas Marvell
Title: Charting the Future: The Supreme Court Responds to a Changing Society, 1890$1920, Author: Barbara P. Semonche
Title: The Supreme Court in Modern Role, Author: Bloomsbury Academic
Title: A Supreme Court Justice Is Appointed, Author: Bloomsbury Academic
Title: Toward Increased Judicial Activism: The Political Role of the Supreme Court, Author: Bloomsbury Academic
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Title: Louis D. Brandeis: Justice for the People, Author: Philippa Strum
Title: Politics, Democracy, and the Supreme Court: Essays on the Frontier of Constitutional Theory, Author: Bloomsbury Academic

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