Title: Grace (American Girl: Girl of the Year 2015, Book 1), Author: Mary Casanova
Title: Grace Stirs It Up (American Girl: Girl of the Year 2015, Book 2), Author: Mary Casanova
Title: Lea Dives In (American Girl: Girl of the Year 2016, Book 1), Author: Lisa Yee
Title: Grace Makes It Great (American Girl: Girl of the Year 2015, Book 3), Author: Mary Casanova
Title: Lea Leads the Way (American Girl: Girl of the Year 2016, Book 2), Author: Lisa Yee
Title: Designs by Isabelle (American Girl: Girl of the Year 2014, Book 2), Author: Laurence Yep
Title: Saige (American Girl: Girl of the Year 2013, Book 1), Author: Jessie Haas
Title: To the Stars, Isabelle (American Girl: Girl of the Year 2014, Book 3), Author: Laurence Yep
Title: Saige Paints the Sky (American Girl: Girl of the Year 2013, Book 2), Author: Jessie Haas
Title: Good Job, Kanani (American Girl: Girl of the Year 2011, Book 2), Author: Lisa Yee
Title: Lanie (American Girl: Girl of the Year 2010, Book 1), Author: Jane Kurtz
Title: Lanie's Real Adventures (American Girl: Girl of the Year 2010, Book 2), Author: Jane Kurtz
Title: Chrissa (American Girl: Girl of the Year 2009, Book 1), Author: Mary Casanova
Title: Chrissa Stands Strong (American Girl: Girl of the Year 2009, Book 2), Author: Mary Casanova
Title: Thanks to Nicki (American Girl: Girl of the Year 2007, Book 2), Author: Ann Howard Creel