Title: Vargas Llosa and Latin American Politics, Author: N. Birns
Title: The Cambridge Companion to Mario Vargas Llosa, Author: Efrain Kristal
Title: Poetry in Pieces: César Vallejo and Lyric Modernity, Author: Michelle Clayton
Title: Vargas Llosa and Latin American Politics, Author: N. Birns
Title: The Andes Imagined: Indigenismo, Society, and Modernity, Author: Jorge Coronado
Title: Shipwreck and Deliverance: Politics, Culture and Modernity in the works of Octavio Paz, Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Mario Vegas Llosa, Author: Todd Oakley Lutes
Title: A Storyteller: Mario Vargas Llosa Between Civilization and Barbarism / Edition 147, Author: Braulio Muñoz
Title: Temptation of the Word: The Novels of Mario Vargas Llosa, Author: Efrain Kristal
Title: Fire from the Andes: Short Fiction by Women from Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru, Author: Susan E. Benner
Title: The Novel and the Globalization of Culture / Edition 1, Author: Michael Valdez Moses
Title: Novel Lives: The Fictional Autobiographies of Guillermo Cabrera Infante and Mario Vargos Llosa, Author: Rosemary Geisdorfer Feal
Title: Mario Vargas Llosa: A Collection of Critical Essays, Author: Charles Rossman