Title: Zionism and Revolution in European-Jewish Literature, Author: Laurel Plapp
Title: Zadie Smith's White Teeth, Author: Claire Squires
Title: Yo no vengo a decir un discurso (I Didn't Come to Give a Speech), Author: Gabriel García Márquez
Title: Written in Exile: Chilean Fiction From 1973-Present, Author: Ignacio Lopez-Calvo
Title: Writing through the Visual and Virtual: Inscribing Language, Literature, and Culture in Francophone Africa and the Caribbean, Author: Renée Larrier
Title: Writing the Apocalypse: Historical Vision in Contemporary U.S. and Latin American Fiction, Author: Lois Parkinson Zamora
Title: Writing Revolution in Latin America: From Martí to García Márquez to Bolaño, Author: Juan E. De Castro
Title: Writing Off the Hyphen: New Critical Perspectives on the Literature of the Puerto Rican Diaspora, Author: Jose L. Torres-Padilla
Title: Writing of the Formless: Jose Lezama Lima and the End of Time, Author: Jaime Rodr guez Matos
Title: Writing Islands: Space and Identity in the Transnational Cuban Archipelago, Author: Elena Lahr-Vivaz
Title: Writing in Limbo: Modernism and Caribbean Literature, Author: Simon Gikandi
Title: Writing from the Hearth: Public, Domestic, and Imaginative Space in Francophone Women's Fiction of Africa and the Caribbean, Author: Mildred Mortimer University of Colorado
Title: Writing Displacement: Home and Identity in Contemporary Post-Colonial English Fiction, Author: Akram Al Deek
Title: Working Juju: Representations of the Caribbean Fantastic, Author: Andrea Shaw Nevins
Title: Word Mingas: Oralitegraphies and Mirrored Visions on Oralitures and Indigenous Contemporary Literatures, Author: Miguel Rocha Vivas
Title: Women, Guerrillas, and Love: Understanding War in Central America, Author: Ileana Rodriguez
Title: Women's Voices from Latin America: Selections from Twelve Contemporary Authors, Author: Armonia Somers
Title: Women Writing the West Indies, 1804-1939: 'A Hot Place, Belonging To Us', Author: EVELYN O'CALLAGHAN
Title: Women in Hispanic Literature: Icons and Fallen Idols, Author: Beth Miller
Title: Women in Contemporary Latin American Novels: Psychoanalysis and Gendered Violence, Author: Beatriz L. Botero

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