Title: The Republican Party, Author: Noah Berlatsky
Title: The Democratic Party, Author: Noah Berlatsky
Title: Birth Control, Author: Noel Merino
Title: Congressional Ethics, Author: Joseph Tardiff
Title: Parenting, Author: Noel Merino
Title: The Minimum Wage, Author: Uma Kukathas
Title: Intellectual Property Rights, Author: Sylvia Engdahl
Title: Marriage, Author: Noel Merino
Title: Personal Liberty, Author: Uma Kukathas
Title: Organized Crime, Author: Ronald D. Lankford
Title: Hate Crimes / Edition 1, Author: Judith Bruce
Title: Pollution, Author: Jeff Hay
Title: Terrorism, Author: David M. Haugen
Title: The Congress of the United States: A Student Companion, Author: Donald A. Ritchie
Title: Is the Political Divide Harming America?, Author: Julia Bauder